29th January - 2nd February 2018
Contemporary Inspirations - 29th January to 2nd February, 10am- 4pm at The Quilters’ Guild, St Anthony’s Hall, Peasholme Green, York.
This new exhibition offers an exciting chance to view some of the contemporary works in the unique Quilters’ Guild collection.
The week-long show, Contemporary Inspirations, brings together many of our most recent acquisitions, including Pauline Burbidge’s “Honesty Skylineâ€. The exhibition explores how quilters have developed their practice over the last twenty years, combining high levels of craftsmanship with innovations in production and design. The quilts displayed reimagine traditional forms - from Inuit embroidery to the strippy quilts of Northern England.
Quilts continue to be an exciting, adaptable vehicle for artistic expression. Contemporary Inspirations takes a closer look at recent pieces, asking how textile art can respond to the challenges of the 21st century. Thought-provoking pieces respond to pressing issues such as homelessness and industrial farming, incorporating household waste and tyre treads alongside traditional silks and cottons.
This is one of the four exhibitions we will be running this year, with support from the new Friends of the Collection scheme. An annual friend membership costs £15 per annum (£10 for Quilters’ Guild Members) and gives you entry to all the exhibitions throughout the year, plus free entry for a friend for any two exhibitions in that year. To Join as a friend, please find more information here.
exhibition admission is £3 per exhibition, booked in advance through the
Eventbrite website (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contemporary-inspirations-a-friends-of-the-collection-exhibition-tickets-42269132112?aff=es2and pleasenote there is a small booking fee, making the exhibition cost £3.73).
We’re also offering FREE
entry for students on display of a valid student ID.
Images: Top: And Now the Weather by Laura Kemshall, 2008
Below: Honesty Skyline by Pauline Burbidge, 2015
The Quilters' Guild Collection is held by The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles.
Registered charity no 1067361 Company limited by guarantee registration no 34476331 Charity in Scotland no. SC043174.
© 2025 Quilt Museum and Gallery, York | Printed from: quiltmuseum.org.uk/exhibitions/current/contemporary-inspirations.html