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A multi-coloured silk, wool and velvet crazy patchwork coverlet which is hand pieced with a black border and embellished with decorative hand embroidery. The reverse is made from silk with a stripe, which came from the wedding dress of the maker's mother. The embroidery stitches used include herringbone, chain, stem, buttonhole, bullion knot, satin and wheatear. They create embroidered designs on the crazy patchwork pieces of flowers, birds, insects, leaves, fruits, stars and people. The materials for the quilt were sourced from remnants of Church of Ireland vestments and the local woollen mill. It was made by Miss Elizabeth Ferguson of Guinness Farm, Caledon, Co.Tyrone, in 1880 when she was a teenager.
208cm x 229cm
The Quilters' Guild Collection is held by The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles.
Registered charity no 1067361 Company limited by guarantee registration no 34476331 Charity in Scotland no. SC043174.
© 2025 Quilt Museum and Gallery, York | Printed from: