Pink Cotton and Crepe-de-Chine Wholecloth Quilt

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Mary Jane Peacock

Pink Cotton and Crepe-de-Chine wholecloth quilt, with a cotton wadding and pink Crepe-de-Chine backing, hand quilted with a scalloped edge on all four sides. The quilting motifs include fans, flowers, leaves and square diamond infill. The quilt was commissioned by Mr Albert Thompson in 1948, a business man in the textile trade, who wanted a locally made quilt before the art of quilting disappeared altogether. Margaret used traditional motifs and was a good quilter. She made quilts to sell with her daughter Mary Jane Peacock.

The Crepe-de-Chine fabric is not ideal quilting, but post war fabrics were still very scarce and difficult to find. The quilting patterns were drawn on with blue pencil which can just be seen on the back. The scalloped edge was a signature feature of the maker’s style of quilts.

Pink Cotton and Crepe-de-Chine Wholecloth Quilt