Published: Wednesday, 17th November 2010 11:38 AM
One of the museum’s latest additions to the heritage collection is this beautiful early 19th century patchwork quilt. Dating from the 1820s, it is made from a vast range of different printed cottons in square and triangle patchwork pieces, and features a central block printed panel of a bird feeding its young in a nest. Amazingly, we have an unused block printed panel in our fabric collection which as exactly the same design. These panels were popular and purchased for the distinct purpose of being made into quilts, coverlets and household furnishings. Before coming to the museum, it was brought to the latest British Quilt Study Group Seminar, and was examined by the group and by printed textile specialist Dr. Philip Sykas of Manchester Metropolitan University. For more in depth details, history and pictures of this quilt, keep an eye on our website – it will be added into the online searchable collections catalogue in the near future!
The Quilters' Guild Collection is held by The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles.
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